ESSAY (001) “We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ******* The essence, immediacy, core, centrality, and totality of our being exist within the Creator Itself. To paraphrase Wayne Dyer: The Creator becomes the things which the Creator creates. To quote…


We find ourselves at the intersection of Titanic forces and timelines. While popularly known meridians such as the end of the Mayan Calendar have now matured, there are also others from other traditions coming to closure and new ones overlapping at this extraordinary time. They include the ending of the Kali Yuga, a long period…


We are grossly out of balance. The nature of our unbalanced condition is so pronounced that we have become paralyzed in our polarity. This paralysis of polarity is now so great that in and of itself, it has become the overriding issue. So dominate is this condition, that it now constitutes a barrier to dealing…

Awakening to the ego’s handiwork

The ego requires separation for its existence. The ego’s baseline of separativeness is maintained by constantly reenforces its only-ness. This relates to the specialness referenced in A Course in Miracles. To accomplish this the ego needs and will have enemies. At its most simple the enemy is any position or statement taken by another ego which reenforces…

Our Radiatory Field

All is energy. There is nothing but energy. These are fundamental precepts that cause us to directly impact our environment and call us to choose the nature and quality of the content of that impact. Rocks, trees, clouds; phlox, bees, boughs; heather, moor, mead; thought, word, deed–these are all essentially energy manifesting and from our…


Change may have come, as Carl Sandburg said of fog, “on little cat feet” but it is now on steroids; we have reached a crossroads in human development. Ours is a transformative time and a point of creative and profoundly spiritual tension. It is a point of no return as the crystallized forms of our…


There is only one Father and we are all going home. The great religions have a common experience base at their origins. Each are the outward trappings of an experience of a deep spiritual nature imparted by its founder. The religion itself is an effort to continue, codify, make sense of, relate, retell, communicate and…


At the root of one of the most critical of misunderstandings and need to reframe fundamental concepts is that of the sense of unworthiness. It can subtly color every thought and is a baseline assumption which the little ego relies upon to keep us focused on a negative image of ourselves as small, insignificant, and…

The Ten Commandments Re-membered

The Ten Commandments are often thought of as a do-or-die paradigm handed down by a judging and vengeful father. This is the thought form that pertains when the Commandments are viewed from the perspective of the battleground of the little ego. Another way of considering them is possible, that from the spiritual perspective of the…


The concept of forgiveness as both powerful tool for healing as well as for spiritual growth is a recurring theme in Dialogues With the Holy Spirit. A few of the many references to forgiveness follow: ******* You must only do three things in order to move off of the battlefield of hurt, harm, and hate…